Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Week 4 - Blog Post Two

Citizenship Through Geography – Grade 5
This week’s learning was about bushfires and floods in Tasmania and how the students, as citizens in the community can make a difference through the State Emergency Service (SES).  Unfortunately, while Tasmania does escape many large natural disasters that sadly occur throughout the world, our island does still have its share of floods and bushfires. Within recent years, students can remember the floods that impacted Launceston in 2016 and the most recent bushfires in the summer of the same year.

This week’s learning sequence began with a KWL (what I know – what I want to know – what I learnt), writing down and discussing what the students knew about bushfires and floods in Tasmania.
(E-KWL charts, n.d.)
 From this we had a whole class discussion and the students were very enthusiastic, especially to share what they had seen in the 2016 floods. Students brought in photographs their families had taken of the floods and a couple of parents came in to discuss how the flood impacted their business. Thank you to those parents. 

The KWL was put to good use when Mr Smith, a member of SES Tasmania came to visit the class. Mr Smith was able to answer the student’s questions and listen to their stories and ideas, in-turn providing students with some great information on what the SES does in regard to bushfire and flood prevention, reinforcing the message that education and understanding is key (Peek, 2008). Mr Smith also told the students about WOW Day.

(SES, 2018)

Students are excited to get involved and are planning on using the day as a gold coin donation fundraiser to raise money for victims in the recent natural disaster. With about four weeks to plan, the students are creating posters (including online posters) and donation boxes to put around the school and on the school’s social media/website. Parents, the students are hoping that some of the posters they have created will be able to go up within your workplaces/social media so that their fundraising and awareness can extend beyond the school and into the community.

Through this project the students are engaging in community-based citizenship learning and are gaining respected skills and values (Reynolds, 2014; Gilbert, & Hoepper, 2017). Incorporating the online and social media aspect of the task, the students are provided with a new platform to engage and participate within their community on a much broader scale. This is a new way information is being shared and shows how people are collaborating through citizenship. In the activities, the students are learning an appropriate way to engage with the community on a broader scale and in doing so developing skills and expanding their social and community relations (Loader, Vronmen, & Xenos, 2014; Wilks, 2010).

These lessons link to the following descriptors from the Curriculum:
(ACARA, 2016)

Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority. (2016, December 16). The Australian Curriculum: F-6/7 HASS (Version 8.3), F-6/7, all curriculum elements, all curriculum dimensions. Retrieved from

E-KWL charts [online image]. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Gilbert, R., & Hoepper, B. (2017). Teaching humanities & social sciences: History geography, economics and citizenship in the Australian Curriculum (6th ed.). South Melbourne, VIC: Cengage Learning. 

Loader, B., Vronmen, A., & Xenos, M. (2014). The networked young citizen: Social media, political participation and civic engagement. Information, Communication & Society17(2), 143-150.

Peek, L. (2008). Children and disasters: Understanding vulnerability, developing capacities, and promoting resilience – An introduction. Children Youth and Environments, 18(1), 1-29.

Reynolds, R. (2014). Teaching humanities and social science in primary school. Oxford University Press.

Wilks, J. (2010). Child-friendly cities: A place from active citizenship in geographical and environmental education. International Research in Geographical and Environmental  Education, 19(1), 25-38.

1 comment:

  1. Grace, this is a good start to your second blog post. It is evident by the way you have written sections you are going to go back and add more detail and strengthen your sentence structures. You have demonstrated specific, engaging and relevant content knowledge regarding what students are learning about. Improvements may include, more detail about how the parents can be involved and support their child's learning. It would be recommended that you perhaps elaborate on some concepts such as KWL and SES, as some parents reading may not understand what they mean or been exposed to such concepts before. Maybe include how the students will participate in being an 'active citizen' what does this look like?

    Over all, you included activities which will engage students and have incorporated all components being assessed. Good Start Grace
    Kind Regards
